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su Fotocontest da 14 anni










My name is eddie, I was born in bandung 27 December 1982, I began a hobby of photography since I was a high school in 2002, after I finished high school I got serious on the field of photography, photography schools and continuing for 1 year at the training center bandung jonas photography in the year 2003. then after finishing school I worked as a photographic contributor on fashion magazines in Jakarta and through photography business by offering services & prewedding wedding photography until 2007. I had to keep learning and learning and finally in 2008 I worked at one publishing company as a photographer for the cover of the book until now, I love the fashion photography and wanted a career in a magazine or advertising agency needs. I am very interested in fashion photography because I feel I have a talent in the field and I wanted to channel that talent to become a specialist fashion photographs. hopefully I can work and work at your company. If you are interested send replies to me and I will send my portfolio

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